Saturday, 7 March 2009

12 Years old Entrepreneur

Known about this guy for a while now, though I’d share it with it, my hope is that this could somehow inspire you and lead to a path of self-realisation.

Ben Casnocha: Comcate Founder

Ben Casnocha started his entrepreneurial endeavors at the age of 12, while being in 6th grade. he’s now 21 and is the founder of ComCate, a company that provides tools to local governments to interact with their customers. In the following podcast Ben talks to Vic about his journey so far and where he is headed in the realms of entrepreneurship.

Ben is currently on a one year break before college, which he is utilizing to travel the world and write his book.

Ben is now, 21 and has 14 people working under him to assure that ComCate operates smoothly.

ComCate is now one of the leaders in software and IT support for government agencies all over the United States, and Ben shows no signs of slowing down. It’s scary to think just how far he might go after graduating college and being able to “really” focus some attention on his company.

It is amazing to think of what a motivated 12 year old can do.

He started the company based on a sixth grade technology class project when he was just 12 years of age while he attended the Town School for Boys, a popular school in San Francisco.

Since then, several dozen clients from small to mid-sized cities are ringing up annual revenue of around $750,000 for his company.

Hope you were inspired in some way, continue to read or listen to "Think and Grow rich" by Napoleon Hill.

Till next time.

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